The little clamping blocks look like this:

They attach to the underside of the baseboard with two nails. First, each block was positioned with the dowel about half an inch from the case edge, and the nail at the block's midpoint was driven in. With the cheek molding positioned correctly, the block was rotated until the dowel pressed firmly against the molding, and then the nail at the opposite end of the block was driven in to hold the pressure and keep everything in place.
This setup should serve well for all the other pieces, and for me is preferable to clamping the molding with padded nails, which would leave behind unsightly holes. There are still nail holes using my technique but at least they'll be underneath the harpsichord where they will rarely be seen.
I have another clamp design in mind for the bentside molding, which may need some firm pressure at the cheek corner to make sure the curve conforms at its sharpest point. More on that soon.